Kiesha Yokers

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What is wellness?

Besides a 4 trillion dollar industry, wellness is not clearly defined for most people. I have strong feelings about this as a woman who has spent a lot of time and money trying to discover what it is to be well. Heck, my blog is called Green + Well, I should know something, right?What is wellness


Time outdoors:

  • Vitamin D {always from food and sunshine before supplementation}. A few times a week, I spend 10-15 minutes outside without sunscreen to get Vitamin D. After that, I lather up in this or this for my body and this for my face.
  • Exercise
  • Getting in your steps every day
  • Fresh air
  • Clean water should be a right for every human. Many of us make assumptions about the safety of our water. We use this filter. Check out your water safety here.

What we put in:

  • The best nutrition you can afford, preferably organic but if not, abide by the Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen.
  • We are growing food {even in the city}. We have been using the Tower Garden since early spring to grow the bulk of our weekly produce.


  • Anything that promises results with no work is a lie. Please don’t buy it. Generally, most people need more magnesium {I use daily for constipation, headaches, and anxiety}, an excellent probiotic, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Omega 3’s.
  • Only then can we get to toxic load work: {ie-cleaning practices: plants, dusting, removing shoes, air purifier}.

What we put on:

  • We need to consider what we put on our bodies since our skin is our largest organ. Our personal care products are typically loaded with parabens, phthalates, and other toxic chemicals that affect our endocrine system, hormones, fertility, and ability to fight disease.

We have to with this thinking that a specific body type equals wellness. That’s such junk. Next time you feel tempted by an add that makes false promises, ask yourself if you are consistent with the basics because this is an area where conventional wisdom still rules.