Kiesha Yokers

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fall organization with the home edit

Work hard + be nice to people was our {hubs + my} motto as we decided to purge and organize EVERY SINGLE closet and cabinet in our home: every single one, friends. Thank goodness for our guiding star, The Home Edit.

We moved into our new house back in March, and two days later, the stay-at-home order was issued. I wish I could tell you that it made me super productive since I had endless time to unpack and get my life together, but it had the opposite effect on me. No, Gwyneth Paltrow, I didn't learn a language, still love you, boo.

I did, however, make a lot of phone calls to the real superheroes called home organizers. I got about five bids and realized that although it sounds incredible to have someone organize my home, I am likely the kind of person they would hire on their staff. I could this by myself, couldn't I?

I think home organizers are amazing, but I didn't have the extra cash for it, so I decided to budget about $200 for organizing supplies and went at with my husband.

john lewis print

toy storage doubles as a console

minimalist book shelf

hall tree

mask storage and my favorite masks

One of those supplies was an instruction manual by the ladies of The Home Edit. You can see their show on Netflix, but I was lucky enough to hear them speak at my company conference last year. It's the first book that I followed and saw immediate results! It's not perfect but who needs perfect. It's minimal and it feels good.

You know what? We did pretty well!

1 spice jars 2 glass storage 3 pantry storage

4 bins 5 wire basket 6 spice shelf 7 the home edit

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